
Grazing herbs offer a wide range of pasture options. They are unique species high in trace elements and animal performance characteristics.


Chicory is a short lived perennial herb, native to Europe and parts of Africa, America and Asia. It has one intact crown with a flowering stem of rosette leaves and a deep taproot. The deep roots can extract moisture from great depths and also draw up minerals into the plant. Chicory is summer active, producing high yields of quality palatable feed. In the winter it is typically moderately dormant and growth is limited. Chicory grows best in well-drained soils with medium-high fertility.

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Plantain is also a perennial herb that performs well in a range of pastures, used as a pure sward or as a companion in mixes. It is mineral rich, high in protein, quick to establish, tolerant to pests, and palatable to animals. Plantain has both a taproot and a fibrous root system. Its leaves are ribbed, flat and lance shaped, and grow from a basal rosette.

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